Class sizes are small for social distancing please call or email or the studio to reserve your spot or reserve through the online payment portal.
Extra classes may be added if there is a wait list.
Learning baby sign language and using it with your baby is an amazing way for baby and parent to connect, build trust and communicate with each other and prevents a lot of frustration, crying and other aggressive behaviour on behalf of the babies, as they can express their needs and wants. Parents and caregivers are able to be more observant and responsive to their babies, helping to boost positive emotional development and self esteem. Scientific studies have found that babies taught baby sign language became further advanced in language skills and scored higher on intelligence tests than those who did not take it.
Baby sign language for pre-verbal babies is recommended for ages 8 months to 18 months.
The classes are delivered in a comfortable relaxed setting, using songs and games for repetition and each week the focus will be on a different topic as follows:
*Bed time
*Bath time
*Getting dressed
*My pets
*At the park
T –
I really hope this is not a hearing person teaching sign language and appropriating Deaf culture.
Baby sign language is about giving pre-verbal babies the tools to communicate their wants and needs to their caregivers to limit their frustration so it’s not about appropriating deaf culture.
Our hearing sign language teacher has one of her degrees in education with an emphasis in deaf studies. She has been a certified ASL sign language interpreter for the past 12 years and in addition to teaching baby sign language, has the job of attending university classes with deaf students to interpret the course material for them.